List of New Year's Workout Challenges:

New Year’s Workout Challenges to Kickstart Your Fitness Goals

As the New Year unfolds, it’s the perfect time to set fresh fitness goals and challenge yourself. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, these workout challenges are designed to boost your physical health, enhance mental well-being, and add some fun to your exercise routine. Let’s dive into some invigorating workout challenges that will…

Watch Jeff Pelletier Running the Grand Canyon Tonto Trail Traverse

Watch Jeff Pelletier Running the Grand Canyon Tonto Trail Traverse

Trail running enthusiasts often opt for a double crossing of the Grand Canyon, but with the North Rim trail temporarily closed, Jeff Pelletier and his group ventured into the less-explored Tonto Trail. This blog post delves into the thrilling experience documented in the YouTube video “Running the Grand Canyon Tonto Trail.” Key Takeaways: Reviewing Jeff…